I pray that I never forget this trip. And if I do, can someone please refer me to my own website so that I can remember?! Long story short, Taylor and I met as travel buddies back when we lived in New Zealand in 2011, even though, ironically, both of us had homes in opposite corners of Colorado. Our friendship was built on our passion for travel and adventure, a glass half full attitude, and laughing/crying about all the beautiful/sad/hard moments in between. Besides New Zealand, we had traveled together in Greece, Turkey, Guatemala, Mexico, the U.S., Germany, and now Hungary. Budapest to be exact! So during my visit to see her and her family in Berlin (where they lived for one year), we snuck away on cheap flights for 48 incredible hours in Budapest for our very own Girls’ Weekend! And like I said, I hope I never forget the sheer beauty of this trip.
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