Washington Was...
o our faithful readers (eh um, that's you, friends & family :-),
For those of you that know me, then you know how much I enjoy blogging about life, adventures, people, and places. I pour my heart and time into a blog post (borderline obsessed, maybe??). Anyone who has done something similar knows the time and energy it takes to keep up with it. I'm afraid with Washington though, I am unable to devote much time (for now). You see, the sun, sand, and sea have been calling my name ever since we hit the beautiful West coast last month. I'm finding it harder and harder to pull myself away from time with family and am doing my best to soak it all up, so to speak.
I will get back to this post though, I promise, as we do have many good stories to tell of our time in Washington. Washington was a lot to us. It was more beautiful than we thought. It had beaches that left us speechless. Showers that kept us clean! It was a place where we met people that became friends. It had National Parks that had us wanting more. And cities that were vibrant. It was everything we needed after our Canadian high. This state impressed us, enough that we stayed two weeks longer than we had planned. We would have never guessed the amount of sights we'd see, people we'd befriend, and fun we'd have. Until we get back to it, here is a photo collage in chronological order. And to make up for my lack of post, here are some extra stats about our time in Washington. I hope that's enough to keep you wanting more...(if not, I have some work to do!)
Total Days in Washington: 17
Favorite Campground: Mora Campground (near Rialto Beach) It felt like we were in a rainforest!!!
Hours Spent in Seattle: 48
Free Hotel Nights in Seattle Spent At: Hyatt Place
Favorite Beach: Rialto Beach & Hole in the Wall
Days at our Vacation Rental in Port Angeles: 7
Number of Days Lindsay worked in Washington: 6
Average Temperature: 71 Degrees
Weirdest Place we Camped: Quinault Beach Resort and Casino Parking Lot
Cost for a Happy Hour Steak Dinner at Casino: $6.95!!!!
Number of Hours of YMCA Cheap Daycare: 4
Washington Was: Our 12th State we've been in
Total Mileage From Start of Trip: 8,000-ish (??) Spud is getting a work-out!

Thank you ALL for reading along and sticking with us through our journey! We're going into the holidays (Halloween included!) so we are really itching for some family and friend visits which are in store. Cannot wait to see familiar faces.
Lindsay, Chip, Reid, & Bennett